
Jerry Poteet’s Jeet Kune Do™ U.S. and International Seminars
Experience the Difference!

Train with us!
We offer events for all martial artists/JKD enthusiasts; including Instructor Seminars, Open Workshops, Private Instruction, online JPJKD Academy and much more!
Contact us at to learn more or to schedule a Seminar in your area
with Sifu Fran Poteet-Joseph!

Sign Up Today Coming Soon!
Philosophy in Motion®

Jeet Kune Do Instructors Seminars get you started
on the path towards becoming a certified JPJKD Instructor.

The Jerry Poteet JKD Association™  is pleased to announce
our continuing program with JKD Instructors Seminars!

U.S./Int’l JKD Instructors Seminars

Please email for registration details.

For more information about this event or to host your own JPJKD™ U.S. or Int’l event,

You can also sign up for our newsletter to receive
updates about this event and more!

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